Saturday, January 29, 2011

This is the house I painted with the class.  I wonder what it will look like next.  It was the first time I saw the blue in the hills that Cezanne painted.  He is one of my painter heros along with Matisse, Bonnard, Vulliard & Monet.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Art Studio Play Date

We collaged and we painted on a most beautiful sunny Saturday. 

The next scheduled play date is March 5, 9am to 3pm (or later).
Call me 503-557-2094.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Basket of Pears

 I always love painting pears.

This Saturday is our first Art Play Date.  I am looking forward to a really fun day.
There are still openings February 5 & 12 or March 5.  Classes limited to 4.

Enjoy another wonderful week.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tuesday must be Lunaria Gallery Day

I am working at Lunaria Gallery in Silverton, Oregon today.  Here is a picture of my little wall.  We are a coop gallery of 25 members and each work 1 to 2 days per month.  It is a little piece of heaven to spend a day in a gallery of lovely art.